
Community background:

Ngapagok village is located in Tonj East,Warrap State,South Sudan. The Dinka tribe dominantly occupies Ngapagok village. Due to its strategic location,Ngapagok was heavily used by the then rebel(SPLA) during the deadly civil war that lasted for decades . This led to the village being underdeveloped. Many infectious diseases found their places there have never since been eradicated. Following the establishment of Ngapagok school by the Calgary community, couple of development have since been seen,with many children being sent to school. But lack of basic medical center remains an extreme setback.


A young man and a university student by name Gabriel Mawien Biar,who comes from the village conduct a research . The methodology he used was Participatory Rural Appraisal [PRA]; a proportional methodology for ranking the problems facing villagers. The method ranked infections according their degrees, that is how frequent and the number of infections.The following are the most outstanding problems:
• In outlining the community’s problems, the disease death rate took the highest percentage of about 75% of the total death toll, this is for both acute and sub-acute diseases, and both have high mortality and morbidity rates.
• Contagious and chronic diseases are among the diseases ranked above, these include other disease-related death such as hunger and that is due to poverty or ignorance, lack of health services and awareness rising.
• Malnutrition is among the most serious cases that cause death in children and adult causing endemic diseases.
• Mothers die in labor because of either negligence or lack of facilities to do the work; maternal health care programs are not in place to improve the quality of midwifery to the present standard.
• Diseases like meningitis, pneumonia and diarrhea are in continual process of killing. That has brought about rampant death of people at all ages.
However, vaccination against childhood and other common diseases is necessary and this cannot be done without any available health care centre be it a dispensary, clinic, or a primary health care centre. Therefore, all God-fearing people who possess the spirit of love and mercy are asked to sympathize with this situation. Nevertheless, this community having chosen the establishment of a health centre is not a luxury but a basic right for a human being, what they want is at least for them to get health services or drugs in a place where sick people may receive accommodation and under full medications and that is what they are in desperate need of. Therefore, for this to happen the ultimate task lies in hands of donors.Thereafter, all good and well wishers are asked to contribute to the construction of this health care centre whether a clinic, dispensary or a primary health care centre, it doesn’t matter, the community is looking forwards to seeing your pitiful hands and your names will always be heard in their prayers. Furthermore, pertaining the aforementioned statement, it should be put into consideration that the community in its capacity is unable to afford building any of the kinds above not because they don’t want but because they lack resources to utilize for the construction of the centre, they are in position to provide security so anybody who wants to do the work is welcome and will surely work in a conducive environment and in a good atmosphere.

Our appeal to the donors:

We as the Akook community are appealing to you donors, friends, our sons and daughters, all good and well wishers inclusive to excuse and think good of us by revealing your generosity, benevolent, self-willingness, with a complete solidarity to pay us whole heartedly your great intimacy and affection to be very concerned and respond positively without long hesitation but with immediate intervention to the situation. You are asked to read in our proposal and sympathize with us and give in your hand. To protect the community is to protect the nation; note, a whole nation is raised up with little concern. And as ignorance kills, so does malaria. Throughout the pages of this project proposal, this issue is being made with a lot of efforts and limitless provisions and as it appeals to you, that’s our cherish hope and incase of any shortage, we shall always remain in supplication for that.

The project scope for this health centre:

As we imagine the scope of this health centre, the centre will cover the entire locality 0f Akook community which is the residential area of this society and with an estimate number of 120,000 persons living in it, however, if it comes into reality that the centre be established, then the neighboring communities may also be expected to flow in which is their an alienable right to medical treatment and services therefore, it means the number of the patients coming to the health centre will probably be much bigger and will require adequate medical care and services to save the local population in those communities. Hence the centre may be serving beyond its’ catchment areas, not unless when its services are limited.

Work breakdown structure:

In making the breakdown here, we see into it that it is not necessary for us to give a complete design of how a health centre should be, but will give an estimate number of rooms it may require if it is to be built. If it is a dispensary or a primary health care centre [PHCC], it should have
• The consultant or the consultation room or the registration room for patients.
• It should have a laboratory room for samples tests.
• The pharmacy and the store.
• Vaccination room for children and women.
• Delivery room for women experiencing labor. TBAs’ room. Trained birth attendants
• Emergency room for people with severe pains and awaiting referral to bigger hospitals.
This is what is expected to be the nature of what should be done but we cannot estimate the budget needed for this unless when necessary and only on request, it can be calculated and give the estimate for it. We also welcome the ideas of medical professionals on how the health centre structure should be.

Our conclusion to this:

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that this health centre requires efforts of all who feel that this situation in which this community is in is not favorable for a free human being and needs us all to take an action to change it and this community can be on the safe side. Kindly give this proposal your prompt attention and we hope this will meet your approval. God bless you.